Saturday open curling
Saturday january 16th open ice time from 3-5pm
We have ice time reserved at Packer Arena for open curling on Saturday Jan 16th from 3-5pm. We will plan on playing pickup games with whoever shows up. We will keep it very informal.
This is an excellent way to catchup on our lost time curling from the quarantine!!
If we get 25-30 curlers, the cost per person will be about $15.
If we get 20-25 curlers, the cost per person will be about $20.
If we get 15-20 curlers, the cost per person will be about $25.
If we do not get at least 15 curlers by Thursday night, we will be cancelling the event.
We need to know if there will be enough interest. Please fill out the form below by Thursday at 8pm if you will be coming for sure.